Monday, July 13, 2009

NGRC 2009 is history

Nine total members of the Wichita Garden Railway Society attended the National Garden Railway Convention in Denver last week. Members toured Denver area layouts as well as took part in workshops, the trade show, and several met up at the BBQ at the Colorado Railroad Museum. I don't know about the other 8 members of the club, but I had a blast with what we took part in. Steve also enjoyed getting his Dad, Jim out to see several layouts and the show. With the National show in the books, we now look forward to helping Fred and Millie present their traveling layout at the Heart of America Show in Kansas City in August. Please note, that the HAGRS show is now August 14-15. It was moved back a week. Fred and Millie will be heading to KC on Thursday to set up the layout. Steve and Eric are heading up Friday morning to also help. Anyone who can come to KC would be greatly appreciated. Tear down will be Saturday after the show closes. Any and all help for the tear down is also greatly appreciated. There are lots of great priced motel rooms in the area as low at $50.00 Check the HAGRS website or your favorite travel web site for some great deals! See you in KC!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Godspeed as you travel to Denver!

Many of the WAGRS members are heading to Denver this week for the National Garden Railway Convention. As you embark on your travels, we wish everyone a safe and fun trip. We will look for everyone at the picnic, in the convention center, and maybe at some of the railroads on the tours. Just FYI, we will have our cell phone, it is 785-822-7322 if anyone has any questions while in Denver. Steve lived in Denver for 5 years, and know the town as well as his home town. If you have a GPS, TAKE IT, it is invaluable, especially for the tour! Be safe, and have a great time!

Wow, what an Open House!

As we relayed to the club earlier this week, Steve and Patsy had an Open House for the railroad in Salina for Independence Day. The Salina Journal ran a front page story on their railroad on Thursday, July 2nd and the result was over 300 people coming to see the railroad. Steve let the young kids have a chance at the controls. It was "priceless" to see the smiles on the faces of young and old as they watched two trains work their way through the garden for nearly 4 hours. This is why we love this hobby!

Open House time.

Open House time.
Every Year, the club hosts an open house for folks to come see the gardens at their best. Our members love to show off our trains and gardens. Many gardens feature miniature worlds with buildings and people. Others focus on the natural aspect of "trains through a garden".

Is it real or a model?

Is it real or a model?
This train is a Shay loco at the blog hosts garden railroad. We hosted an open house on July 4, 2008 where this was taken. Garden Railroaders love to take pics of these trains and fool folks who actually think they are real trains.

One of our youngest members with his collection.

One of our youngest members with his collection.
My son is the third generation of train fans in our family. His grandfather was a live steamer in Golden, Colorado. My husband is the "trackmaster" of our Kansas Central and Colorado Railroad. Our son knows more about trains than any other 7 year old I know.

Members of MyLargeScale at Marty's September Thingy in Nebraska.

Members of MyLargeScale at Marty's September Thingy in Nebraska.
Every year, a friend of ours with a massive layout hosts his "September Thingy". Folks come from all over the country for this. These are members of

Our members like the real thing too. This is in Chattanooga, Tennessee. "The Long Black Train"

Our members like the real thing too.  This is in Chattanooga, Tennessee. "The Long Black Train"
I took this pic in 2006 on our trip to Tennessee. This is the "Long Black Train" featured in the Josh Turner video. This train runs on the historic Tennessee Valley Railroad in Chattanooga.